India Coaching Conference & Awards 2021
25th September 2021
People born as a male or female; A Coach, mentor & trainer empowers and transforms them to become a "Human Being"
To recognise the great efforts of coaches, mentors and trainers in India; Navi Mumbai Chamber of Business & Industries (NMCBI) in association with Great Human University is organizing this "India Coaching Conference & Award 2021".
In this "India Coaching Conference & Award 2021" we will recognise the great efforts of all those coaches, mentors and trainers who has transformed Life, Career, Business and Relationship problem and challenges of the people in India and around the world with their innovative coaching methodology.
This Conference will have eminent speakers form corporate and human transformation back-ground to share their wisdom and their expectations from "India Coaching Community" to help them prepare for the future challenges in people Life, career, business and relationship.
If you are a Coach, Mentor or Trainer do register and nominate for this empowering conference and award.
The conference will be concluded by a networking Lunch.
The Winners of India Coaching Awards 2021
Jury Members
Event Partners